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Mindful Calmness Techniques

Mindful Calmness Techniques

Category: Therapy

Published on: January 26, 2025

Read Time: 4 Minutes

Making decisions can be overwhelming, especially in moments of uncertainty or stress. Whether it’s a career change, a relationship choice, or simply deciding what to do with your free time, the weight of decisions can feel heavy. But what if you could approach decision-making with greater ease, clarity, and confidence?

Mindfulness helps to step away from the noise of your thoughts and emotions to see things more clearly. When applied to decision-making, mindfulness techniques can help you make more thoughtful, intentional choices that align with your values and long-term goals.

1. The Pause

The first step in any mindful decision-making process is to take a pause. Instead, take a deep breath and give yourself permission to slow down. A few seconds of breathing can help calm your mind and create space for more deliberate thought.

When you breathe deeply, you activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps reduce stress and brings a sense of calm. This physiological shift helps clear away mental clutter, so you can approach the decision with a more balanced mindset.

2. The Thoughts

To come back to the present scenario we have to Pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that are arising in response to the decision you need to make. Am I feeling anxious, excited, fearful, or confused? Rather than trying to immediately suppress or act on these emotions, simply observe them.


It’s natural to feel anxious or excited when making a big decision, but these emotions don’t need to control your choices. Observing them without judgment helps you create distance from them, allowing you to make decisions from a place of clarity rather than reaction.

3. The Values

Mindfulness isn’t just about focusing on the present moment; it’s also about connecting with your deeper sense of self. Before making a decision, take a moment to reflect on what really matters to me. What are my core values? What are my long-term goals? Does this decision align with me and where do I want to go in life?

When you make decisions based on your values, you’re more likely to choose paths that bring fulfillment, rather than chasing temporary gratification or making choices out of fear or obligation. For example, if one of your values is personal growth, a decision that challenges you to step outside your comfort zone may be more appealing than one that keeps you stuck in a routine. By cultivating awareness of your values, mindfulness helps guide you toward decisions that are more authentic and aligned with your true self.

4. The Possibilities

Mindfulness encourages openness, and this mindset can be a game-changer when it comes to decision-making. Often, we get stuck in “either/or” thinking, believing that we must choose between two options, when in fact, there may be a range of possibilities. By practicing mindfulness, you can expand your perspective and consider all the options available to you.

Take a moment to reflect on the different paths you could take and the potential outcomes of each. This doesn’t mean overthinking or analyzing every detail, but rather staying open to possibilities and being flexible in your thinking. A mindful approach allows you to consider the long-term impact of your decisions, helping you avoid impulsive choices and choose paths that support your growth and well-being.

5. The Perfectionism

One of the biggest hurdles to mindful decision-making is the desire for perfection. We often feel we need to make the “perfect” decision, one with no risks or drawbacks. But this type of thinking can paralyze us and lead to indecision. Mindfulness teaches us to let go of the need for perfection and to embrace the process of making the best decision with the information we have at the time.

Not every decision will lead to the perfect outcome, and that’s okay. Mindfulness helps us accept the inherent uncertainty of life and make decisions with a sense of trust in ourselves. Instead of overanalyzing and fearing mistakes, we can approach decisions with curiosity and a willingness to learn from the process.

6. The Intuition

When you quiet the noise of your thoughts and emotions through mindfulness, you create space to tune into your inner wisdom. Often, our intuition can provide valuable guidance when it comes to decision-making, but we may ignore it in favor of logic or external advice. Mindfulness helps you listen to your gut feelings and trust your instincts, which are often based on years of subconscious learning and experience.


Trusting your intuition doesn’t mean disregarding logic, but it’s about finding a balance between reason and instinct. When you approach decisions mindfully, you can use both your rational mind and your intuitive feelings to guide you toward the best choice.

7. The Impermanence

Mindfulness also teaches us to embrace the impermanence of life everything is constantly changing. This perspective can be incredibly freeing when it comes to making decisions. Often, we make choices out of fear of getting it “wrong,” but mindfulness helps us understand that no decision is permanent. Even if we make a choice that doesn’t turn out as expected, we can always learn from the experience and adjust course.

Knowing that nothing is fixed or permanent allows you to approach decisions with a sense of ease, rather than anxiety. This mindset frees you from the pressure of making the “right” choice and helps you focus on the process rather than the outcome.


We at Mentoring Minds Counsellors understand that Mindfulness isn’t a quick-fix solution, but a lifelong practice that can significantly enhance your ability to make thoughtful, intentional decisions. By incorporating mindfulness techniques like pausing to breathe, observing your thoughts and feelings, and cultivating awareness of your values, you can approach decision making with clarity and confidence.

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